What is hair mesotherapy?

Hair mesotherapy is the process of injecting mixtures such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids that the hair needs into the scalp with very fine needles. Thanks to this process, hair loss can be prevented and hair can be made stronger, lively and shiny.

How is hair mesotherapy done?

After the scalp is cleaned with sterile solutions, mesotherapy mixtures specially prepared for each patient are injected into the scalp with very fine needles. The processing time is about 20 minutes on average. After the procedure, the patient can continue his daily life.

How many sessions are planned for hair mesotherapy?

Hair mesotherapy is planned as an average of 4 sessions. Sessions are planned 15 days apart. The treatment duration is 4 months. At the end of 4 months, new hair formation is observed, lifeless hair becomes much stronger and hair loss is prevented.

What are the conditions to be considered after hair mesotherapy?

Hair should not be washed for 24 hours after the procedure, heavy sports should not be done, excessively hot areas should be avoided (such as Turkish bath, sauna, etc.), alcohol and cigarettes should not be smoked, direct sun exposure to the scalp should be avoided, and plenty of water should be drunk.